This page will have a bunch of different Youtube channels that offer quality information about training. Not sponsored, I gain nothing from this except you having better resources starting off than I did.
In no particular order, hypertrophy specific:
Geoffrey Verity Schofield, incredible natural lifter, very nuanced advice, science and anecdote-based information. The best resource for a beginner looking into hypertrophy specific training.
Bald Omni-Man, strong as hell natural lifter, practical tidbits and training systems, information on self-coaching. Hypertrophy and strength combined, using strength as a tool to gain muscle.
Alex Leonidas, brutally strong natural bodybuilder, incorporates a lot of training disciplines with hypertrophy goals. Insanely good at applying different training styles to bodybuilding.
Natural Hypertrophy, hypertrophy purist. Only interested in muscle growth training, has really strong opinions and very practical information. Literally only interested in hypertrophy if talking lifting.
Renaissance Periodization, good channel for science-based lifting information. Nutrition as well as technique. They are the go to for learning perfect technique for all hypertrophy exercises. Pure science, a lot of very strong takes, might be harder to navigate their information as a beginner.
Strength training oriented:
Cult Strength, pure powerlifting knowledge. Extremely intense and incredible information, the best place to learn lifting technique for the squat, bench and deadlift.
Shethar Training, very good strength training tidbits and discussions.
FriekieD, one of the best natural bench pressers ever, good information for linear progression and the bench press.
Alexander Bromley, powerlifter turned strongman, incredible information on training programs specific for strength. If you want to learn how to brace for heavy lifts, he’s the GO-TO best. From my research he was the only one to explain bracing properly.
Eric Bugenhagen, the inventor of the golden tidbit, THE MINDSET himself. The best channel to get motivated and get practical tips for lifts.