Your best resource for figuring out how to start and continue building muscle.

If you want to get the most out of your training, you will first have to master the basics. The 3 tennets I mention below assume that you already know what you’re doing in the gym and simply describe how to do it. The beginner category down below will describe the basics that you have to nail if you want to get into the details of training and muscle growth optimization. When it comes to the tenets, following them will ensure constant progression in the gym, which will lead to muscle growth.

Core tenets to reach your muscular potential.

The three tenets of growing muscle:

  1. Train with intensity. Without it, you will not grow to your potential. Go all out on each lift and you will see results like you’ve never seen before.
  2. Stay consistent. You must be consistent to grow without regression. Each time you skip a session you regress a step, yet going to a session puts you two steps forward. You will massively accelerate progress if you do not skip sessions.
  3. Recover as hard as you train. You must optimize your recovery to see your body reach its potential. The muscle must recover first so that it can adapt, therefore it cannot adapt if you do not let it heal.

The basics give you 90% of the results if done right.

In depth guides to nail training basics:

What is recovery?

What is recovery? Recovery – the actions you take or avoid after resistance training with…

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PROGRESSION, METHODS AND WHAT IT IS The one thing you must do at the gym…

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